Deploy Guide

Getting Started

before we start deploy, please follow develop doc first to install the dependency

we have 2 way to deploy jbok node

binary app-main

build the jbok node

$ bin/

in app/jvm/target/universal/stage/bin, we get 4 program

app-main: node
cli-main: a commod line connect to node
network-builder-main: build testnet config in ~/.jbok, follow config doc to build configs.
tx-generator-main:  gen random txs and send to testnet

app/jvm/target/universal/stage/bin/app-main then start the node, given a node config path.

$ app/jvm/target/universal/stage/bin/app-main ~/.jbok/node-0/config.yaml

install mysql follow:


install docker follow:

first we should build image and publish to local.

$ bin/

the docker image based on openjdk:8-jre and expose ports 30314 and 30315.

Running node with docker-compose. docker-compose will start prometheus, node-exporter, grafana, mysql, mysqld-exporter, jbok services. Jbok using data volume ./etc and ./var, for more info to config file ./docker-compose.yaml.

$ docker-compose up

open http://localhost:3000/ to analytics and monitoring the services.

jbok testnet

Create your own testnet.

We will be using 3 node in testnet, 1 for miner, 2 for sync.

$ bin/
$ bin/
$ bin/

the ~/.jbok, will be root directory of nodes. every node’s data will save into node-# directory.

modify ~/.jbok/node-$#/config.yaml to change node config.

WARN: do not modify genesis part