
Codec module contains the encoding and decoding support for json & binary.

All codecs support JVM and ScalaJS.


circe is used for all json codec, codec/shared/src/main/scala/jbok/codec/json contains some custom instances.

For some primary types such as BigInt, we always delegate it to String, rather than circe’s default behavior.

Some instances for core models(e.g. Address, Uint256) are defined in their companion objects.

We prefer @ConfiguredJsonCodec annotation, so import jbok.codec.json.implicits._ is a must.

import jbok.codec.json.implicits._
import io.circe.syntax._
import io.circe.parser._


Typeclass RlpCodec is used for core models binary codec.

Some instances and ops are defined in jbok/codec/rlp.

import jbok.codec.rlp.RlpEncoded
import jbok.codec.rlp.implicits._

// encode A to RlpEncoded

// res0: RlpEncoded = RlpEncoded(ByteVector(1 bytes, 0x80))
// res1: RlpEncoded = RlpEncoded(ByteVector(1 bytes, 0x80))

case class Foo(name: String, age: Int)
Foo("oho", 18).encoded
// res2: RlpEncoded = RlpEncoded(ByteVector(6 bytes, 0xc5836f686f12))

List(Foo("cafe", 1), Foo("babe", 2)).encoded
// res3: RlpEncoded = RlpEncoded(ByteVector(15 bytes, 0xcec6846361666501c6846261626502))

// decode RlpEncoded to Either[Throwable, A]

val fooEncoded = Foo("bar", 42).encoded
// fooEncoded: RlpEncoded = RlpEncoded(ByteVector(6 bytes, 0xc5836261722a))
// res4: Either[Throwable, Foo] = Right(Foo("bar", 42))

// create `RlpEncoded` manually
// res5: Either[Throwable, Foo] = Left(
//   java.lang.Exception: invalid rlp list length 131
// )

rlp is a low level, unoptimized binary codec protocol, but it’s behavior is concise and predictable.

It’s used to encode models like Block or Transaction, for computing stable message hashes.

RlpCodec is implemented based on scodec and magnolia(macros for generating instances for case classes)